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All information about the historical Dutch Railway stock

This site is created by an independent group of railway enthusiasts all sharing the same purpose, to create a database of all Dutch Railway stock present at the Dutch railway museums.

This way we can create a full comprehensive overview of all preserved railway stock in Holland. This site is strictly non-commercial and is created and maintained by several poeple.

Every maintainer is solely responsible for her/his part, and if you are interested who is maintaining what, this information is available in the menu on the left, please click on "All maintainers".

Of course we always appreciate feedback, and if you decide to email us, we will generally always answer, mostly in English.

The best of the Industrieel Smalspoor Museum (ISM)

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Lok nummer 4, gebouwd in 1939 door Deutz te Keulen, en geimporteerd door Spoorijzer te Delft, heeft altijd gereden voor de Griendtsveen Maatschappij.

Ook nu nog is de lok te vinden op de terreinen van de Griendtsveen Maatschappij, welke na het stopzetten van de Veenverwerking de thuisbasis is geworden van het Industrieel Smalspoor Museum.

Het ISM kunt U vinden op de Griedtveensestraat 150 in Erica.

Meer info over het materieel van het ISM kunt U hier vinden op de Nederlandse Museummaterieel Database.

Totaal 1996 objecten.